Bldc Tool For Mac

Download this file to Install the BLDC Tool on your Apple Computer. This link will stay updated with the latest compatible BLDC tool & firmware version. Speed of a BLDC motor based on a potentiometer reading. TM 3 • BLDC motor overview • S12ZVM microcontroller introduction • Hardware & Software Development Tools. − MAC unit 32-bit += 32-bit*32-bit (3.5 cycles).

Bldc Tool For MacMac

Bldc Tool For Mac

From German Torres Garcia:
This IPad tool offers to the shop Engineer and rewind Technician the possibility of checking the different winding configurations for induction motors and generators. Easy to use and perform calculations just at your finger tips!Verify the turns per coil, operation voltage , connections, current density for wires selected, flux densities in different parts of the motors geometry, analyze the coil distribution pattern , basic stator geometry, save, retrieve your winding data , print the report , find and evaluate the equivalent circuit parameters using different methods,etc.

Find, download, and install iOS apps safely from the App Store

A Qt gui to control and debug my custom BLDC controller. A complete description and tutorial about how to use it can be found here:

Quick build instructions for Ubuntu:

  1. sudo apt-get install qtcreator qt-sdk libudev-dev libqt5serialport5-dev

  2. qmake -qt=qt5

  3. make clean && make

  4. Allow for serial access without using sudo: sudo adduser $USER dialout

  5. Restart for access changes to take effect sudo reboot now

  6. Start BLDC-tool from inside of the built repo ./BLDC_Tool

Snipping tool for mac

Screenshot Tool For Mac

Windows and OS X builds available :