Keyboard Shortcut For Clone Stamp Tool On Mac

Other brush-related tools, like the Spot Healing Brush, the Clone Stamp Tool, and the Eraser Tool, all have their own blend modes. And so does the Gradient Tool and even the Paint Bucket Tool. In fact, most of the brush and painting tools have them.

  1. Mac Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet
  2. Download Clone Stamp Tool
  3. Keyboard Shortcut For Clone Stamp Tool On Mac
  4. Mac Os Keyboard Shortcuts
1. Select tools
VMove tool
M (Shift+M)Rectangular or Elliptical Marquee tool
L (Shift+L)Lasso tool or Polygona/ Magnetic Lasso tool
W (Shift+W)Magic Wand tool, Quick Selection tool
C (Shift+C)Crop tool, slide tool, slide select tool
I (Shift+I)Eyedropper tool, Color Sampler tool, Note Tool, Count Tool
J (Shift+J)Spot Healing Brush tool, Healing Brush tool, Patch tool, Red Eye tool
B (Shift+B)Brush tool, Pencil tool, Color Replacement tool, Mixer Brush tool
S (Shift+S)Clone Stamp tool, Pattern Stamp tool
Y (Shift+Y)History Brush tool, Art History Brush tool
E (Shift+E)Eraser tool, Background Eraser tool, Magic Eraser tool
G (Shift+G)Gradient tool, Paint Bucket tool
O (Shift+O)Dodge tool, Burn tool, Sponge tool
P (Shift+P)Pen tool, Freeform Pen tool
T (Shift+t)Horizontal, vertical Type tool or Type mask tool
A (Shift+A)Path Selection tool, Direct Selection tool
U (Shift+U)Rectangle tool, Rounded Rectangle tool, Ellipse tool, Polygon tool, Line tool, Custom Shape tool
K (Shift+K)3D Object Rotate, Roll, Pan, Slide, Scale tool
N (Shift+N)3D Camera Rotate, Roll,Pan, Walk, Zoom tool
HHand tool
RRotate View tool
ZZoom tool

> Tutorial > Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts for Mac & Windows. Pencil Brush Tool: Shift + B Clone Stamp Tool: S Pattern Stamp Tool: Shift + S. You may have noticed the section at the beginning gave the minor adjustments one needs to make and the Photoshop Keyboard shortcuts for windows are nearly the same as for Mac. Notes: You can customize the keyboard shortcuts in Photoshop. See Customize keyboard shortcuts.; You can view, edit, and summarize keyboard shortcuts in the Keyboard Shortcuts dialog box. 'The tools nested under the Blur tool (Blur/sharpen/smudge) are the only set of tools in the tools panel without a keyboard shortcut. You can however assign a shortcut to them by pressing Ctrl Alt Shift K (Mac: Cmd Opt Shift K) to open the Keyboard Shortcut editor. Keyboard Shortcuts > Panel Menus > Clone Source. As far as I remember I had contributed about 2005 to a discussion about the. Development of a clone stamp tool with preview and with all transformations, a feature which was at that time not available in PhS, here with the last update.

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2. View images
Ctrl+TabCycle through open documents
Shift+Command+`Switch to previous document
Shift+Command+WClose a file in Photoshop and open Bridge
QToggle between Standard mode and Quick Mask mode
F/Shift+FToggle (forward) between Standard screen mode, Maximized screen mode, Full screen mode, and Full screen mode with menu bar
Space+F/Space+Shift+FToggle (forward) canvas color
Double-click Hand toolFit image in window
Command+1Magnify 100%
SpaceSwitch to Hand tool (when not in text-edit mode)
Shift+dragSimultaneously pan multiple documents simultaneously with Hand tool
Command+SpaceSwitch to Zoom In tool
Option+SpaceSwitch to Zoom Out tool
Space+dragMove Zoom marquee while dragging with the Zoom tool
Shift+return in Navigator panel zoom percentage boxApply zoom percentage, and keep zoom percentage box active
Command+drag over preview in Navigator panelZoom in on specified area of an image
Space+drag, / drag view area box in Navigator panelScroll image with Hand tool
Page Up/Page DownScroll up or down 1 screen
Shift+Page Up/Page DownScroll up or down 10 units
Home/EndMove view to upper-left corner or lower right corner
(backslash)Toggle layer mask on/off as rubylith (layer mask must be selected)

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3. Puppet Warp
EscCancel completely
Command+ZUndo last pin adjustment
Command+ASelect all pins
Command+DDeselect all pins
Shift+clickSelect multiple pins
Shift+dragMove multiple selected pins
HTemporarily hide pins

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4. Refine Edge
Command+Option+ROpen the Refine Edge dialog box
FCycle forward through preview modes
Shift+FCycle backward through preview modes
XToggle between original image and selection preview
PToggle between original selection and refined version
JToggle radius preview on and off
EToggle between Refine Radius and Erase Refinements tools

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5. Filter Gallery
Option+click a filterApply a new filter on top of selected
Option+click a disclosure triangleOpen/close all disclosure triangles
CommandChange Cancel button to Default
OptionChange Cancel button to Reset
Command+Shift+ZStep forward
Command+Option+ZStep backward

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6. Liquify
WForward Warp tool
RReconstruct tool
CTwirl Clockwise tool
SPucker tool
BBloat tool
OPush Left tool
MMirror tool
TTurbulence tool
FFreeze Mask tool
DThaw Mask tool
Option+toolReverse direction for Bloat, Pucker, Push Left, and Mirror tools
Option+drag in preview with reconstruct tool, Displace, Amplitwist, / Affine mode selectedContinually sample the distortion
Arrow Left/ arrow right in Brush Size, Density, Pressure, Rate, / Turbulent Jitter text boxDecrease/increase brush size by 2 (or density, pressure, rate, or turbulent jitter by 1). Hold down Shift to decrease/increase by 10
Arrow Left/ arrow right with Brush Size, Density, Pressure, Rate, / Turbulent Jitter slider showingDecrease/increase brush size by 2 (or density, pressure, rate, or turbulent jitter by 1). Hold down Shift to decrease/increase by 10
TabCycle through controls on right from top
Shift+TabCycle through controls on right from bottom
OptionChange Cancel to Reset

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7. Vanishing Point
XZoom 2x (temporary)
Command+[+]/Command+-Zoom in
Command+0 (zero)Fit in view
Double-click Zoom toolZoom to center at 100%
]/[Increase brush size (Brush, Stamp tools)
Shift+]/Shift+[Increase brush hardness (Brush, Stamp tools)
Command+ZUndo last action
Command+Shift+ZRedo last action
Command+DDeselect all
Command+HHide selection and planes
Arrow KeysMove selection 1 pixel
Shift+Arrow KeysMove selection 10 pixels
Command+Shift+TRepeat last duplicate and move
Create a floating selection from the current selection
Command+dragFill a selection with image under the pointer
Command+Option+dragCreate a duplicate of the selection as a floating selection
Option+Shift to rotateConstrain selection to a 15° rotation
Command+click the planeSelect a plane under another selected plane
Command+dragCreate 90 degree plane off parent plane
DeleteDelete last node while creating plane
Double-click the Create Plane toolMake a full canvas plane, square to the camera
Command+Shift+HShow/hide measurements (Photoshop Extended only)
Command+EExport to a DFX file (Photoshop Extended only)
Command+Shift+EExport to a 3DS file (Photoshop Extended only)

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8. Camera Raw Dialog Box
ZZoom tool
HHand tool
IWhite Balance tool
SColor Sampler tool
CCrop tool
AStraighten tool
BSpot Removal tool
ERed Eye Removal tool
Command+Option+1Basic panel
Command+Option+2Tone Curve panel
Command+Option+3Detail panel
Command+Option+4HSL/Grayscale panel
Command+Option+5Split Toning panel
Command+Option+6Lens Corrections panel
Command+Option+7Camera Calibration panel
Command+Option+8Presets panel. (Mac OS Universal Access zoom shortcut must be disabled in System Preferences)
Command+Option+9Open Snapshots panel
Command+Option+Shift+TParametric Curve Targeted Adjustment tool
Command+Option+Shift+HHue Targeted Adjustment tool
Command+Option+Shift+SSaturation Targeted Adjustment tool
Command+Option+Shift+LLuminance Targeted Adjustment tool
Command+Option+Shift+GGrayscale Mix Targeted Adjustment tool
TLast-used Targeted Adjustment tool
KAdjustment Brush tool
GGraduated Filter tool
]/[Increase/decrease brush size
Shift+]/Shift+[Increase/decrease brush feather
=/-Increase/decrease Adjustment Brush tool flow in increments of 10
OptionTemporarily switch from Add to Erase mode for the Adjustment Brush tool, or from Erase to Add mode
Option+]/Option+[Increase/decrease temporary Adjustment Brush tool size
Option+Shift+]/Option+Shift+[Increase/decrease temporary Adjustment Brush tool feather
Option+=/Option+-Increase/decrease temporary Adjustment Brush tool flow in increments of 10
NSwitch to New mode from Add or Erase mode of the Adjustment Brush tool or the Graduated Filter
MToggle Auto Mask for Adjustment Brush tool
YToggle Show Mask for Adjustment Brush tool
VToggle pins for Adjustment Brush tool, Toggle overlay for Graduated Filter, Spot Removal tool, or Red Eye Removal tool.
L/Command+]Rotate image left
R/Command+[Rotate image right
Command+[+]/Command+-Zoom in / Zoom out
CommandTemporarily switch to Zoom In tool. (Doesn’t work when Straighten tool is selected. If Crop tool is active, temporarily switches to Straighten tool.)
OptionTemporarily switch to Zoom Out tool and change the Open Image button to Open Copy and the Cancel button to Reset.
PToggle preview
FFull screen mode
ShiftTemporarily activate the White Balance tool and change the Open Image button to Open Object. (Does not work if Crop tool is active.)
Click the first point; Shift+click additional pointsSelect multiple points in Curves panel
Command+click in previewAdd point to curve in Curves panel
Arrow KeysMove selected point in Curves panel (1 unit)
Shift+Arrow KeysMove selected point in Curves panel (10 units)
Command+ROpen selected images in Camera Raw dialog box from Bridge
Shift+double-click imageOpen selected images from Bridge bypassing Camera Raw dialog box
Option+drag Exposure, Recovery, / Black slidersDisplay highlights that will be clipped in Preview
OHighlight clipping warning
UShadows clipping warning
Command+1 ... 5(Filmstrip mode) Add 1 - 5 star rating
Command+. (period) /Command+, (comma)(Filmstrip mode) Increase/decrease rating
Command+6(Filmstrip mode) Add red label
Command+7(Filmstrip mode) Add yellow label
Command+8(Filmstrip mode) Add green label
Command+9(Filmstrip mode) Add blue label
Command+Shift+0 (zero)(Filmstrip mode) Add purple label
Command+KCamera Raw preferences
Option+Shift (on open)Deletes Adobe Camera Raw preferences

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9. Black-and-White Dialog Box
Shift+Command+Option+BOpen the Black-and-White dialog box
Arrow Up/Arrow DownIncrease/decrease selected value by 1%
Shift+Arrow Up/Arrow DownIncrease/decrease selected value by 10%
Click+drag on the imageChange the values of the closest color slider

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10. Curves
Command+MOpen the Curves dialog box
[+]/-Select next / previous point on the curve
Shift+click the pointsSelect multiple points on the curve
Command+DDeselect a point
Select a point and press delete.Delete a point on the curve
Arrow KeysMove the selected point 1 unit
Shift+Arrow KeysMove the selected point 10 units
Option+drag black/white point slidersDisplay highlights and shadows that will be clipped
Command+click the imageSet a point to the composite curve
Shift+Command+click the imageSet a point to the channel curves
Option+click the fieldToggle grid size

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11. Select and Move Objects
Any marquee tool (except single column and single row), press space+dragReposition marquee while selecting
Any selection tool+Shift+dragAdd to a selection
Any selection tool+Option+dragSubtract from a selection
Any selection tool (except Quick Selection tool)+Shift-option+dragIntersect a selection
Shift+dragConstrain marquee to square or circle (if no other selections are active)
Option+dragDraw marquee from center (if no other selections are active)
Shift+Option+dragConstrain shape and draw marquee from center
command (except when Hand, Slice, Path, Shape, / any Pen tool is selected)Switch to Move tool (except when Hand, Slice, Path, Shape, or any Pen tool is selected)
Option+dragSwitch from Magnetic Lasso tool to Lasso tool
Option+clickSwitch from Magnetic Lasso tool to polygonal Lasso tool
Enter/Esc/Command+. (period)Apply/cancel an operation of the Magnetic Lasso
Move tool+Option+drag selection‡Move copy of selection
Any selection+Arrow KeysMove selection area 1 pixel
Move tool+Arrow KeysMove selection 1 pixel
Ctrl+Arrow KeysMove layer 1 pixel when nothing selected on layer
Magnetic Lasso tool+[/]Increase/decrease detection width
Crop tool+return /EscAccept cropping or exit cropping
[/ (forward slash)Toggle crop shield off and on
Ruler tool+Option+drag end pointMake protractor
Shift+drag guideSnap guide to ruler ticks (except when View Snap is unchecked)
Option+drag guideConvert between horizontal and vertical guide

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12. Transform Selections, Selection Borders, and Paths
OptionTransform from center or reflect
Command+. (period) /EscCancel
Command+Option+TFree transform with duplicate data
Command+Shift+Option+TTransform again with duplicate data

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13. Edit Paths
Direct selection tool+Shift+clickSelect multiple anchor points
Direct selection tool+Option+clickSelect entire path
Pen (any Pen tool), Path Selection / Direct Selection tool+Command+Option+dragDuplicate a path
CommandSwitch from Path Selection, Pen, Add Anchor Point, Delete Anchor Point, or Convert Point tools, to Direct Selection tool
OptionSwitch from Pen tool or Freeform Pen tool to Convert Point tool when pointer is over anchor or direction point
Magnetic Pen tool-double-clickClose path
Magnetic Pen tool+option-double-clickClose path with straight-line segment

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14. Painting
Any painting tool+Ctrl+Option+command and dragSelect foreground color from color picker
Any painting tool+Option/ any shape tool+option (except when Paths option is selected)Select foreground color from image with Eyedropper tool
Eyedropper tool+Option+clickSelect background color
Eyedropper tool+ShiftColor sampler tool
Color sampler tool+Option+clickDeletes color sampler
Any painting / editing tool+1...9Set opacity, tolerance, strength, or exposure for painting mode.
0 = 100%, 1 = 10%. Two numbers in quick succession (e.g. 45 = 45%)
When airbrush option is enabled, use Shift+0...9
Any painting / editing tool+Shift+1...9Sets flow for painting mode
0 = 100%, 1 = 10%. Two numbers in quick succession (e.g. 45 = 45%)
When airbrush option is enabled, use Shift+1...9)
Option+Shift+1...9Mixer Brush changes Mix setting
0...9Mixer Brush changes Wet setting
0 (zero)Mixer Brush changes Wet and Mix to zero
Shift+[+]/Shift+-Cycle through blending modes
Delete/Shift+DeleteOpen Fill dialog box on background or standard layer
Option+Delete/Command+DeleteFill with foreground or background color
Command+Option+DeleteFill from history
Shift+DeleteDisplays Fill dialog box
[/ (forward slash)Lock transparent pixels on/off
Any painting tool+Shift+clickConnects points with a straight line

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15. Blending Modes
Shift+[+]/Shift+-Cycle through blending modes
Shift+Option+QBehind (Brush tool only)
Shift+Option+RClear (Brush tool only)
Shift+Option+BColor Burn
Shift+Option+ALinear Burn
Shift+Option+DColor Dodge
Shift+Option+WLinear Dodge
Shift+Option+FSoft Light
Shift+Option+HHard Light
Shift+Option+VVivid Light
Shift+Option+JLinear Light
Shift+Option+ZPin Light
Shift+Option+LHard Mix
Sponge tool+Shift+Option+DDesaturate
Sponge tool+Shift+Option+SSaturate
Dodge tool/Burn tool+Shift+Option+SDodge/burn shadows
Dodge tool/Burn tool+Shift+Option+MDodge/burn midtones
Dodge tool/Burn tool+Shift+Option+HDodge/burn highlights
Shift+Option+NSet blending mode to Threshold for bitmap images, Normal for all other images

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16. Select and Edit text
Command+drag type when Type layer is selectedMove type in image
Shift+arrow keys, ctrl+Shift+arrow keys etc.Select Characters: Use Standard Use Standard Mac OS Editing Shortcuts
Shift+clickSelect characters from insertion point to mouse click point
Shift+clickCreate a new text layer, when a text layer is selected in the Layers panel
Double-click, triple-click, quadruple-click, / quintuple-clickSelect a word, line, paragraph, or story
Command+HShow/Hide selection on selected type
CommandDisplay the bounding box for transforming text when editing text, or activate Move tool if cursor is inside the bounding box
Command+drag a bounding box handleScale text within a bounding box when resizing the bounding box
Space+dragMove text box while creating text box

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17. Format Type
Horizontal Type tool+Command+Shift+l, c, /RAlign left, center, or right
Vertical Type tool+Command+Shift+l, c, /RAlign top, center, or bottom
Command+Shift+XChoose 100% horizontal scale
Command+Shift+Option+XChoose 100% vertical scale
Command+Shift+Option+AChoose Auto leading
Command+control+Shift+QChoose 0 for tracking
Command+Shift+JJustify paragraph, left aligns last line
Command+Shift+FJustify paragraph, justifies all
Command+control+Shift+Option+HToggle paragraph hyphenation on/off
Command+Shift+Option+TToggle single/every-line composer on/off
Command+Shift+</>Decrease or increase type size of selected text 2 points or pixels
Option+Arrow Down/Arrow UpDecrease or increase leading 2 points or pixels
Shift+Option+Arrow Down/Arrow UpDecrease or increase baseline Shift 2 points or pixels
Option+Arrow Left/Arrow RightDecrease or increase kerning/tracking 20/1000 ems

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18. Slicing and Optimizing
CommandToggle between Slice tool and Slice Selection tool
Shift+dragDraw square slice
Option+dragDraw from center outward
Shift+Option+dragDraw square slice from center outward
Space+dragReposition slice while creating slice
Ctrl+click sliceOpen context-sensitive menu
Keyboard Shortcut For Clone Stamp Tool On Mac

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19. Photoshop CS5 Panels
All Panels
Option+click New buttonSet options for new items (except for Actions, Animation, Styles, Brushes, Tool Presets, and Layer Comps panels)
Shift+returnApply value and keep text box active
TabShow/Hide all panels
Shift+TabShow/Hide all panels except the toolbox and options bar
Select tool and press returnHighlight options bar
Shift+Arrow Up/Arrow DownIncrease/decrease selected values by 10
Action Panel
Option+click the check mark next to a commandTurn command on and all others off, or turns all commands on
Option+clickTurn current modal control on and toggle all other modal controls
Option+double-click action / action setChange action or action set options
Double-click recorded commandDisplay Options dialog box for recorded command
Command+double-click an actionPlay entire action
Option+click the triangleCollapse/expand all components of an action
Command+click the Play buttonPlay a command
Option+click the New Action buttonCreate new action and begin recording without confirmation
Shift+click the action/CommandSelect contiguous items of the same kind
Command+click the action/CommandSelect discontiguous items of the same kind
Adjustment Panel
Option+3 (red),
option+4 (green),
option+5 (blue)
Choose specific channel for adjustment
Option+2Choose composite channel for adjustment
DeleteDelete adjustment layer
Option+click Auto buttonDefine Auto options for Levels or Curves
Animation Panel (Frames Mode)
Shift+click second frameSelect/deselect multiple contiguous frames
Command+click multiple framesSelect/deselect multiple discontiguous frames
Option+Paste Frames command from the Panel pop-up menuPaste using previous settings without displaying the dialog box
Animation Panel (Timeline Mode, PS extended)
SpaceStart playing the timeline or Animation panel
Option+click the current-time display in the upper-left corner of the timeline.Switch between timecode and frame numbers (current time view)
Option+click on list trianglesExpand and collapse list of layers
Hold down the Shift key when clicking the next/previous Frame buttons (on either side of the Play button).Jump to the next/previous whole second in timeline
Hold down the Shift key while dragging the current time.Increase playback speed
Hold down the command key while dragging the current time.Decrease playback speed
Shift+dragSnap an object (keyframe, the current time, layer in point, and so on) to the nearest object in timeline
Option+drag (first / last keyframe in the group)Scale (evenly distribute to condensed or extended length) a selected group of multiple keyframes
Arrow Left/Page UpBack one frame
Arrow Right/Page DownForward one frame
Shift+Arrow Left/ Shiftpage upBack ten frames
Shift+Arrow Right/Shift+Page DownForward ten frames
Home/EndMove to the beginning / to the end of the timeline
Shift+Home/Shift+EndMove to the beginning / to the end of the work area
Arrow UpMove to 'In' point of the current layer
Arrow DownMove to the 'Out' point of the current layer
Shift+Arrow Up/Shift+Arrow DownBack 1 second / Forward 1 second
EscReturn a rotated document to its original orientation
Brush Panel
Option+click brushDelete brush
Double-click brushRename brush
Ctrl+Option+drag left / rightChange brush size
Ctrl+Option+drag up / downDecrease/increase brush softness/hardness
, (comma) / . (period)Select previous/next brush size
Shift+, (comma) /Shift+. (period)Select first/ Select last brush
Caps LockDisplay precise cross hair for brushes
Shift+Option+PToggle airbrush option
Channels Panel
Command+3 (red),
command+4 (green),
command+5 (blue)
Select individual channels
Command+2Select composite channel
Command+click channel thumbnail, /Option+3 (red),
option+4 (green),
option+5 (blue)
Load channel as selection
Command+Shift+click channel thumbnailAdd to current selection
Command+Option+click channel thumbnailSubtract from current selection
Command+Shift+Option+click channel thumbnailIntersect with current selection
Option+click Save Selection As Channel buttonSet options for Save Selection As Channel button
Command+click Create New Channel buttonCreate a new spot channel
Shift+click color channelSelect/deselect multiple color-channel selection
Shift+click alpha channelSelect/deselect alpha channel and show/hide as a rubylith overlay
Double-click alpha / spot channel thumbnailDisplay channel options
~Toggle composite and grayscale mask in Quick Mask mode
Clone Source Panel
Option+ShiftShow Clone Source (overlays image)
Option+Shift+Arrow KeysNudge Clone Source
Option+Shift+</>Rotate Clone Source
Option+Shift+[/]Scale (increase or reduce size) Clone Source
Color Panel
Option+click color in color barSelect background color
Ctrl+click color barDisplay Color Bar menu
Shift+click color barCycle through color choices
History Panel
Option+new SnapshotCreate a new snapshot
Double-click snapshot nameRename snapshot
Command+Shift+ZStep forward through image states
Command+Option+ZStep backward through image states
Option+click the image stateDuplicate any image state, except the current state
Option+clear HistoryPermanently clear history (no Undo) in History panel pop-up menu
Info Panel
Click eyedropper iconChange color readout modes
Click crosshair iconChange measurement units

Mac Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet

Layers Panel
Command+click layer thumbnailLoad layer transparency as a selection
Command+Shift+click layer thumbnail.Add to current selection
Command+Option+click layer thumbnail.Subtract from current selection
Command+Shift+Option+click layer thumbnail.Intersect with current selection
Command+click filter mask thumbnailLoad filter mask as a selection
Command+GGroup layers
command-Shift+GUngroup layers
command-option+GCreate/release clipping mask
Command+Option+ASelect all layers
Command+Shift+EMerge visible layers
Option+click New Layer buttonCreate new empty layer with dialog box
Command+click New Layer buttonCreate new layer below target layer
Option+. (period)Select top layer
Option+, (comma)Select bottom layer
Shift+Option+[/]Add to layer selection in Layers panel
Option+[/]Select next layer down/up
Command+[/]Move target layer down/up
Command+Shift+Option+EMerge a copy of all visible layers into target layer
Highlight the layers you want to merge, then Command+EMerge layers
Command+Shift+[/]Move layer to bottom or top
Option+Merge Down command from the Panel pop-up menuCopy current layer to layer below
Option+Merge Visible command from the Panel pop-up menuMerge all visible layers to a new layer above the currently selected layer
Ctrl+click the eye iconShow/hide this layer/layer group only or all layers/layer groups
Option+click the eye iconShow/hide all other currently visible layers
[/ (forward slash)Toggle lock transparency for target layer, or last applied lock
Double-click layer effect/styleEdit layer effect/style, options
option-double-click layer effect/styleHide layer effect/style
Double-click layerEdit layer style
Shift+click vector mask thumbnailDisable/enable vector mask
Double-click layer mask thumbnailOpen Layer Mask Display Options dialog box
Shift+click layer mask thumbnailToggle layer mask on/off
Shift+click filter mask thumbnailToggle filter mask on/off
Option+click layer mask thumbnailToggle between layer mask/composite image
Option+click filter mask thumbnailToggle between filter mask/composite image
(backslash), /Shift+Option+clickToggle rubylith mode for layer mask on/off
Double-click type layer thumbnailSelect all type; temporarily select Type tool
Option+click the line dividing two layersCreate a clipping mask
Double-click the layer nameRename layer
Double-click the filter effectEdit filter settings
Double-click the Filter Blending iconEdit the Filter Blending options
Command+click New Group buttonCreate new layer group below current layer/layer set
Option+click New Group buttonCreate new layer group with dialog box
Option+click Add Layer Mask buttonCreate layer mask that hides all/selection
Command+click Add Layer Mask buttonCreate vector mask that reveals all/path area
Command+Option+click Add Layer Mask buttonCreate vector mask that hides all or displays path area
Ctrl+click the layer group and choose Group Properties, / double-click groupDisplay layer group properties
Shift+clickSelect/deselect multiple contiguous layers
Command+clickSelect/deselect multiple discontiguous layers
Layers Comps Panel
Option+click Create New Layer Comp buttonCreate new layer comp without the New Layer Comp box
Double-click layer compOpen Layer Comp Options dialog box
Double-click layer comp nameRename in-line
Shift+clickSelect/deselect multiple contiguous layer comps
Command+clickSelect/deselect multiple discontiguous layer comps
Paths Panel
Command+click pathnameLoad path as selection
Command+Shift+click pathnameAdd path to selection
Command+Option+click pathnameSubtract path from selection
Command+Shift+Option+click pathnameRetain intersection of path as selection
Command+Shift+HHide path
Option+click buttonSet options for Fill Path with Foreground Color button, Stroke Path with Brush button, Load Path as a Selection button, Make Work Path from Selection button, and Create New Path button
Swatches Panel
Click in empty area of panelCreate new swatch from foreground color
Command+click swatchSet swatch color as background color
Option+click swatchDelete swatch

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20. 3D tools (PS Extended)
NEnable 3D camera tools
Option+Command+XHide nearest surface
Option+Shift+Command+XShow all surfaces
Ctrl+click /OptionChange between Rotate, Roll, Drag, Slide, and Scale 3D Object Tool
ShiftScale on the Y plane

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21. Measurement (PS Extended)
Shift+Command+MRecord a measurement
Command+DDeselects all measurements
Command+ASelects all measurements
Shift+Command+HHide/show all measurements
DeleteRemoves a measurement
Arrow KeysNudge the measurement
Shift+Arrow KeysNudge the measurement in increments
Command+Arrow Left/Arrow RightExtend/shorten selected measurement
Shift+Command+Arrow Left/Arrow RightExtend/shorten selected measurement in increments
Command+up/down arrow keyRotate selected measurement

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22. DICOM files (PS Extended)
ZZoom tool
HHand tool
WWindow Level tool
Command+ASelect all frames
Command+DDeselect all frames except the current frame
Arrow KeysNavigate through frames

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Keyboard Shortcut For Clone Stamp Tool On Mac

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Mac os keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcut For Clone Stamp Tool On Mac

23. Extract and Pattern Maker (plug-in)
Extract and Pattern Maker
Command+0 (zero)Fit in window
Command+[+]/Command+-Zoom in / Zoom out
TabCycle through controls on right from top
Shift+TabCycle through controls on right from bottom
SpaceTemporarily activate Hand tool
OptionChange Cancel to Reset
Extract Only
BEdge Highlighter tool
GFill tool
IEyedropper tool
CCleanup tool
TEdge Touchup tool
Option+Edge Highlighter/Eraser toolToggle between Edge Highlighter tool and Eraser tool
command with Edge Highlighter tool selectedToggle Smart Highlighting
Option+DeleteRemove current highlight
Command+DeleteHighlight entire image
Shift+click with Fill tool selectedFill foreground area and preview extraction
Command+dragMove mask when Edge Touchup tool is selected
Option+dragAdd opacity when Cleanup tool is selected
XToggle Show menu options in preview between Original and Extracted
Shift+XEnable Cleanup and Edge Touchup tools before preview
FCycle through Display menu in preview from top to bottom
Shift+FCycle through Display menu in preview from bottom to top
Arrow Down/ arrow up in Brush Size text boxDecrease/increase brush size by 1
Arrow Left/arrow right with Brush Size Slider showingDecrease/increase brush size by 1
0...9Set strength of Cleanup or Edge Touchup tool
Pattern Maker Only
Command+DDelete current selection
Command+ZUndo a selection move
Command+GGenerate or generate again
Shift+Option+selectIntersect with current selection
XToggle view: original/generated pattern
HomeGo to first tile in Tile History
EndGo to last tile in Tile History
arrow left, page upGo to previous tile in Tile History
arrow right, page downGo to next tile in Tile History
DeleteDelete current tile from Tile History
arrow right, arrow left, arrow up, /Arrow DownNudge selection when viewing the original
Shift+arrow right, arrow left, arrow up, /Arrow DownIncrease selection nudging when viewing the original

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24. Function keys
help keyStart Help
F5Show/Hide Brush panel
F6Show/Hide Color panel
F7Show/Hide Layers panel
F8Show/Hide Info panel
Option+F9Show/Hide Actions panel
Shift+F6Feather Selection
Shift+F7Inverse Selection

Mac Os Keyboard Shortcuts

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