Devastator Led Tool For Mac
Using OS X Mavericks, the CM Storm Devastator keyboard backlight does not light up. The light is usually activated by scroll lock being enabled, but in OS X, there is no such thing as scroll lock.
IconDaemonHere's an unsupported work around for Devastator LED functionality for MAC OSX that we suggest to our North American Customers: However there is an un-official solution available online at the following link. Stack Exchange network consists of 174 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
CoolerMaster Devastator Gaming Game Combo Average rating: 2 out of 5 stars, based on 0 reviews The mouse that came with this is the only thing that made it worth the purchase. CM Storm Devastator - no drivers Masoner Dec 24, 2013, 9:39 AM So I got this bundle with my PC and it all works fine CEPT that the two side button, 1 works but the second does not. Interior - drawer latches, air tool, product hanger. Exterior lighting, liftgate parts, misc exterior. Recover stolen vehicle. Interior - miscellaneous. Fluorescent lighting: fixtures, ballast, lens. 48' led light fixture by thin-lite low profile lens ceiling or undershelf. Apr 20, 2015 How to active CMstorm Devastator Retroilluminazioneon on Mac KEVZ. How to active CMstorm Devastator Retroilluminazioneon mac Tutorial How to get your cm storm keyboard to work with mac. You dont need Xcode, the source is available on a (probably unofficial) mirror Just open the 'build>release double click 'HID LED test tool', the keyboard will start blinking then just press Ctrl-C.
3 Answers
Summary: solve by downloading Apple's keyboard LED test tool, which tests keyboard lights by enabling scroll lock, num lock and caps lock. Make a keyboard shortcut that runs a script that runs the LED test tool and terminates the script while scroll lock is on.
- Go here:
- Click the little 'Download sample code' button
- Open the downloaded folder and go to Build / Release
- Drag the HID LED test tool file to your Applications folder
- Launch the OS X 'Automator' program
- Choose 'Service' document type
- Under 'Library', click 'Utilities', and drag 'Run Shell Script' to the blank area / workflow pane.
- For 'selected service receives' choose 'no input' in 'any application' (important)
- For 'pass input' choose 'as arguments' (important)
- For 'shell' choose '/bin/bash'
Paste in this script:
Click 'run' to test. After 3 seconds, your keyboard should remain in a state with num lock and scroll lock enabled, and all the keys should be lit up. Yay! Continue to assign keyboard shortcut to do this.
- Click 'File' > 'Save', 'Save service as' : 'Devastator LED Lighter'
- Go to System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Services > General > 'Devastator LED Lighter'
- Assign a shortcut. Scroll lock and F keys didn't work for me. I ended up choosing ⌘ Command+1.
You're done!
Try your shortcut. If nothing happens, test by clicking 'Play' in the automator if you skipped that part. If that doesn't work, the bash script may need to be updated, or maybe the path to the LED test tool is wrong. Then double check steps 8 and 9. Lastly, try making an automator document that does a 'Launch Application' command instead of a bash script, and see if you can get any program at all to launch, such as TextEdit, using a keyboard shortcut.
0942v8653I have created a fork of the apple LED test script specifically to turn on and off the LED Backlight on cmstorm keyboards. This should also work for anyone who needs to turn on scroll lock on their external keyboards (which is the backlight key for most keyboards).
To use it:
Download the binary and install it in your Applications folder
Then you can either
run it on the terminal like so
/Applications/led-backlight-osx # turns the backlight on/Applications/led-backlight-osx off # turns the backlight off
OR - use an automator script as described in the following answer. Replace the automator script in step 11 with the following.
to create a script to turn it off create another automator script with the following
/Applications/led-backlight-osx off
The details for the automator script are in the edit below.
EDIT: to add this as a keyboard shortcut you must use Automator as in @AlexanderTaylor's answer, in summary:
- Launch 'Automator'
- Choose 'Service' type
- (On the left) 'Library' -> 'Utilities', drag 'Run Shell Script' to the workflow pane.
- At the top of the workflow pan, choose 'no input' in 'any application'
- For 'pass input' choose 'as arguments'
- For 'shell' choose '/bin/sh'
Paste in this script:
Click 'File' -> 'Save', save it as 'CMStormLedOn'
- Go to System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts -> Services -> CMStormLedOn and click on the shortcut ⌘+ScrLk. (it will show up as ⌘+F14)
Done. Now typing ⌘+ScrLk should turn those LEDs on.
If you are experiencing problems, even though you followed the above steps. — Try the below, it worked for me:
Simply plug your keyboard into another USB port on your Mac and then try :)
Devastator Led Tool For Macbook Pro
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Snipping Tool For Mac
So one would be forward the other back, the back button works and does so in games, but forward does not.
The bundle did NOT come with a driver disk and it's not found on their web site. is there anything I can do or download that will let me use this extra mouse button?
Thanks for your help!
Windows 8.1
CMSTORM Devastator bundle (30 bucks or so)
Website has NO drivers listed just a PDF SHEET
Mouse has 2 side buttons, 1 works as 'back' or in gaming 'Mouse 4' the other does not, that is what need working if possible.