Best Git Ui Tool For Mac

  • Is there a good (visual) Git tool for Mac OS X or Windows? Not such kawai UI as in GitX, but it works. Medium place between GitX and Git Extension IMHO. – Brian Haak May 14 '14 at 22:45. This tool is absolutely confusing when it comes to resolving complex merge issues.
  • 10 Best GIT GUI Clients 2017 (Windows 10/Mac) Top GIT GUI Clients for Windows and MAC for 2017: Sometimes it happens with a coder for non-coder that they have to keep the track of file changes. When this situation takes place you have to move your files no matter it.

10 Best GIT GUI Clients 2017 (Windows 10/Mac) Top GIT GUI Clients for Windows and MAC for 2017: Sometimes it happens with a coder for non-coder that they have to keep the track of file changes. When this situation takes place you have to move your files no matter it is a configuration file, code, text file or any other. Until now, any dev working with a team on project code has had to make a compromise: opt for the “superuser” power of Git at the command line interface (CLI) level, or go for the less feature-rich but more visually intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) of a Git client.

Older releases are available and the Git source repository is on GitHub.

Latest source Release

2.23.0 Release Notes (2019-08-16)

GUI Clients

Git comes with built-in GUI tools (git-gui, gitk), but there are several third-party tools for users looking for a platform-specific experience.


Various Git logos in PNG (bitmap) and EPS (vector) formats are available for use in online and print projects.

Git via Git

If you already have Git installed, you can get the latest development version via Git itself:

git clone

You can also always browse the current contents of the git repository using the web interface.

Active3 years, 10 months ago

I am aware of this question, but it is a bit old now, and some of the answers seem outdated.

Question: please write one answer per GUI you have used, including pros and cons (for example, as far as I can tell, with git gui, you can't manage the stash).

Best Git Ui Tool For Mac

closed as off-topic by user764357, greg-449, Vogel612, EdChum, CristikDec 7 '15 at 9:57

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • 'Questions asking us to recommend or find a book, tool, software library, tutorial or other off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.' – greg-449, Vogel612, EdChum, Cristik
If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

8 Answers

(This is not exactly a 'Windows' standalone Git GUI, but still quite advanced)

Considering that since then, Eclipse is in the process of mirroring all its projects in Git repositories, EGit (based on JGit) have made some progress and are part of the Eclipse ecosystem, and is on par with its Mercurial counterpart.

You can contribute to EGit there.

This Tutorial is quite complete.

890k327 gold badges2884 silver badges3469 bronze badges

So far I've been happiest with Git Extensions.


  • Fairly complete access to git commands
  • Doesn't hide git specifics like the index (unlike Tortoise)
  • Good branch visualization
  • Visual Studio integration in addition to standalone GUI or shell integration
  • Actively developed


  • UI is rough around the edges in looks and usability.

Have a look at Atlassian SourceTree. It's a free Git Client for Windows & Mac.

I'm using it since the beta. And it's really the best tool ive ever used for git in my opinion.

Say goodbye to the command line – use the full capability of Git and Mercurial in the SourceTree desktop app. Manage all your repositories, hosted or local, through SourceTree's simple interface.

More informations under:

Git Ui Tools For Windows

I've been using SmartGit for a few days now, and I have to say I'm very impressed. I'm not a git-genius, but so far I haven't had to break out the CLI for anything.

And the UI is just... pleasant, frictionless. There aren't any of the 'couldn't they just have done this?' annoyances that I've found with others.

Another option now is Github for windows. But only really if you are syncing with GitHub. I've been using this for a few weeks, and I do find I need to fire up a shell from time to time. Its also unclear what commands its actually issuing. I keep ending up in the middle of a broken rebase - but I have no idea why its rebasing! But for frictionless use 99% of the time its great.

As for the GitHub for Windows - I have used it for a little time and it's pretty nice. Very esthetic and quite straight forward. It's even better when working with repositories located on GitHub (however I used it with other targets as well).

Best Git Tools

Today I switched to completely new client for Windows made by Bitbucket named SourceTree. As I understand it's a port from Mac client and thanks to that it looks and feels great. It has LOADS of options and tools (I have not familiarized myself with many of them) and it's constantly developed ( ). They released the Beta version on 19.03.2013 and they have some really nice plans for future (Mercurial support as well!). I do think that it's worth a look.

I've used the following

GitHub for Windows - required me to download installer which took a long time for me to install. UI was too basic for me and at that time was very slow even when using a local repository.

SourceTree - UI looks goods but under delivers on features when compared to GitEye and SmartGit.


Collabnet GitEye (site) - UI is famililar to Eclipse users just like me. Worked great and especially had a credential store (SecureStore) which inspired some confidence in how it handles storing of passwords plus SSH key management.

Best Git Ui For Windows

SmartGit (site) - offers personal and commercial versions but even the personal version is an absolute pleasure to use. Staging files, looking at logs, reverting, committing, pushing etc. The features were sufficient for me.

I'd recommend the last two especially SmartGit since the UI is user friendly and pushing to more than 1 repository is much easier.

My answer is not really that verbose but please try to download and see for yourself.

With visual studio there is Git Source Control Provider which is a Visual Studio Extension. More into in this SO question Using Git with Visual Studio

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